5 fave summer reads

5 fave summer reads to know.

5 fave summer reads

I’ve never been known as one of the most voracious of readers. In fact, way back in junior school, my best friend Karen used to read the set books for us and then tell us the gist of the story so that we could all concentrate on more important things like French skipping (although we called it German skipping in Wales…. still no idea why). Fast forward to the 90’s and my first taste of book clubs, which I thought might cure me of my dysfunctional urges, came to nought. It turns out I’m also a slow reader, so I ended up being the one arriving at the gatherings with my £1 fine each month for not finishing the book. The point being that for me even to start suggesting what a good read might be is quite lol-worthy, but more recently I’ve found a few tomes that I couldn’t actually put down – so I thought I’d share them with you in this quick Friday post on 5 fave summer reads just in time for the weekend.

5 fave summer reads

So although we’ve established I’m no Elizabeth Bennet raking through reams of books on a balmy summers eve – here are my top 5 fave reads so far this summer.


I’ve finished Into The Water which is the next novel by Girl on a Train author Paula Hawkins which was full of plot twists right until the last page, and am currently on Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, so will keep you post on that, but book reviews are not my thing either. So, if you really are looking for an inspirational book gang to get involved with why not check out lovely Poppy Loves and her book club which has both virtual and real-life meet-ups which you can sign up to.

Do you have a go-to summer reading list to recommend? Let me know in the comments below…

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