Covent Garden Market … foodie heaven

Covent Garden Market… foodie heaven Thursdays.

I love a market at the best of times, but when I happen upon a foodie market then I’m really paying attention. Last week I was pottering around Covent Garden Market, which used to be a haven for all things indie before the indie crowd bugged out to the East End. More recently the market has seen a resurgance by harking back to what it always did best – market stalls and street theatre.

Sadly I arrived a little late as we were heading out for supper at Joe Allen’s with the kids. Hubs had been inspired to organize to take them to the Bond in Motion exhibit at the London Film Museum first, so I got a couple of hours off to mooch. Luckily the food stalls were still buzzing with some seriously mouth-watering offerings.

Take a peek at some of the things being cooked up – unfortunately the blog doesn’t come with ‘smell-a-vision’ otherwise you would seriously be slavering after perusing these pics…

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covent garden market

The Dixie Union stall was a major pit-stop for the super hungry…

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covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

Loved these Crumbs and Doilies cupcakes… although had I been there earlier I would have seen tons more yummy stuff appaz…they are also at the Kings Road Partridges Fine Foods market Saturdays 10am-4pm.

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covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

Covent Garden Market … street theatre thrills & spills

Admittedly I was only passing time whilst ambling through Covent Garden Market last Thursday, but I ended up being late meeting up with the family, as I got completely sucked into the street theatre which was in full flow that evening.

One thing I’d forgotten about proper street theatre is that a) they are bloody good entertainment and b) these guys do this for a living, so if you watch and enjoy – then you need to cough up some dosh when they ask for it too!

This guy did a great job keeping the crowd amused and the hecklers under control with his sparkling wit…

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covent garden market

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Whilst these guys were just plain funny…

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covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

covent garden market

So, if you’re in London (especially on a Thursday) and looking for a great way to spend the day, you wouldn’t go far wrong  by popping into Covent Garden Market for some food and fun, whether you’re with the family, or simply hanging with your fashionista buddies.

The Real Food Market takes place Thursdays from 11am-7pm – here are some of the stalls on offer. For more info on all activities at the market, take a look at their website here.

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