Bibendum supper & snails

Bibendum supper… old school faves


It’s been a long old time since I was last in Bibendum, but recently when our lovely pal Jesper was over from New York, hubs and I headed over there to meet him for supper. I’d come hot-foot from the Sloane Square J.Crew opening hosted by the fab Laura Fantacci so had camera at the ready for the evening.


Bibendum was one of the first ‘posh’ restaurants we headed to when hubs and I were first dating in London back in the day. It also is conveniently situated at one of my fave little shopping areas in London – think Joseph, Stella McCartney and the Conran shop all within spitting distance… and you have a number of reasons to arrive early and browse prior to supper.



On this occasion a glass of champagne was calling me, as I pored over my images from the J.Crew store opening and awaited my dining partners.


Little did I know, that the chaps had arrived earlier and were having a glass or two in the Oyster Bar downstairs….


So it was only sensible to order another glass of fizz whilst I waited for them and snooped through the menu….


Now, although my mother will tell you, I was never a very adventurous eater as a child… I think, compared to my kids, I’m doing quite well. But, when I spotted snails on the menu, there was no way I was ever…ever…EVER… going there. Luckily the menfolk arrived, and were a little more up for a challenge – or at least Jesper was, who is Danish and lives in New York…what can I say… this guy lives an adventurous life. Armed with the most bodacious implements, he manfully wrestled those little critters from their snoozy shells right down his gullet…..eeewhhh!




I, on the other hand, played it safe with a sensible Risotto, which was delicious beyond belief…but seriously filling.



I’d only had the starter and I was already feeling like this little Michelin fella hanging out on the side of my butter dish…


For the main, I went lamb (Welsh obvs!) the boys went on one of those joint meal benders, where the food keeps on coming and coming…. and coming….



By the end of the night I remembered why Bibendum is such a special place. Not only does it revel in art decco cool, it also produces fab food and service in an old school stylie which still works today. I definitely won’t leave it so long until our next visit.



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