Notes from a Stylist hits the Roberto Dutesco exhibit at Samuel Owen Gallery

A bit like the next big idea, there’s something about an art exhibit (if it’s a good one), that makes you think…. if only I’d have thought of that. And so it was at the new Samuel Owen Gallery in downtown Greenwich CT, that the Roberto Dutesco exhibit entitled “Chasing the Wild’ made you think…if only i’d picked up my camera last time I was out on the range. The difference being, that this dude can actually take awesome pictures.




I’m not talking snappy snap kinda horse and pony pictures, I’m talking amazingly moody shots that make you want to get out on the range and follow your inner wanderlust. These shots coupled with some beautiful soul searching poems and prose on view were a breath of fresh air for the art-starved Stepford folk. Thank goodness Samuel Owen has moved to town and I can’t wait for the next big show, a rumored graffiti art exhibit that owners Lee & Cyndi Milazzo promise will rock our world….

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