Mod Fam Food … Valentine treats

Mod Fam Food … Valentine treats to try.

We’re half way through January already, and some of us might well be in the midst of a New Year/New You kinda thing doing a cleanse/dry January/fitness fad (delete as appropriate). But just in case there’s anyone out there still happy to indulge, we thought it high time to knock up some delicious deserts which can be prepared a day ahead. If you’re in the abstaining camp look away now… or bookmark this recipe for your Valentines Day treat.

mod fam food

Lemon Posset

You will need….

600ml (1 pint) double cream

150g caster sugar

2 large lemons, zest and juice

Pkt thin biscuits….shaped shortbread, almond thins

Fresh fruit of choice, raspberries, strawberries.

Serves 6-10 depending on the serving glasses selected.

mod fam foodJoseph Joseph chopping board, Tovolo mixing spoon, John Lewis grater.

Here’s what to do…

  1. Heat the double dream in a saucepan with the sugar over a low heat, and slowly bring to the boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool.
  2. Add the lemon zest and juice, mix well and pour into 6 medium serving glasses or 8 to 10 shot glasses as shown in the photo. Decorate with a little lemon zest.
  3. Serve on a plate with biscuits of your choice and a little fresh fruit.

mod fam food

mod fam food

mod fam food

mod fam foodThe White Company small heart plate, Designers Guild candle. Sainsburys tumbler glasses.


This is a great easy desert to serve for a large gathering, using small shot glasses to serve, especially as it can be prepared ahead of time.

Also perfect as stand up food for Parties.

mod fam food


Chocolate Marquise with Red Berry Coulis

mod fam food

You will need…

600ml (1 pint) double cream

450g 70% dark chocolate, broken into pieces.

Wine glass full of rum

1 pkt Langues de chat biscuits or Almond thins

480g frozen red berries

60g sieved icing sugar

2 tbs cocoa powder

Fresh raspberries to decorate

1.2 litre loaf tin

Serves 12

mod fam food

Here’s what to do….

1. Line your loaf tin with lightly oiled greaseproof paper.

2. Briefly dip the biscuits in the rum and line the bottom and sides of the tin placing the top of the biscuit to the   greaseproof paper.

3. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water.

4. Stir in 3 tbs of Rum and the double cream.

5. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and finish by covering with the remaining rum soaked biscuits.

6. Allow to set in fridge for 24 hrs.

7. Place the frozen berries in a saucepan and heat gently until soft.

8. Liquidize until smooth, add the sieved icing sugar and pour into a serving jug.

9. Cover and keep in fridge with the chocolate marquis until ready to serve.

10. Once set, plate up thin slices of the marquis, sieve a little cocoa powder over each slice and serve with the Coulis and fresh raspberries.

The pudding is deliciously rich, so thin slices are a perfect way to finish any meal.

mod fam food

mod fam food

mod fam food

mod fam food

mod fam foodLSA small dine jug, Designers Guild serving plate.


Feel free to substitute the Rum with a liquor of your choice.

To save time, use ready prepared Coulis available at most major supermarkets.

Can also be served with Strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants and blackberries.

Try serving with a dollop of crème fraiche.

Experiment with other varieties of thin biscuits.


mod fam food

I hope you enjoy these treats – I’m doing Dry January, so am definitely in the abstaining mode, but will bring you more fab simple and quick-to-create deserts next week just in time for you to bust out of your resolution shackles and have fun again.

Have a great weekend!

amanda delaney



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