Summers Place Auctions

Summers Place Auctions – sculpture garden

When the urge to spring clean grabs you, it doesn’t always have to be about clearing out that closet, there’s also indoor and outdoor spaces to consider. With the sun shining this week, it’s been a spruce up of the outdoors which has taken my fancy, and with it the idea of adding some fun pieces to our garden… of course you can’t expect me to tidy up a spot without the offer of a bit of shopping to go with. So this week I headed to Summers Place Auctions to check out their spring catalogue.

summers place auctions

Summers Place Auctions is one of those amazing havens you find in unexpected places. Just off the A29 1 mile north of sunny Billingshurst, this venue is an Aladdin’s cave of sculptures from modern to vintage, garden collectables and items which you probably didn’t even know you needed until you clapped eyes on them in this tranquil oasis. Last time I visited this spot it was to check out another auction with some fabulous Alexander Creswell art in the mix.

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I’d been sent on a mission by hubs who was after something sculptural, but once you get started along that vein it gets tricky… are we looking for something a little ancient but twee…

summers place auctionsCarved white marble boy & kid

summers place auctions

summers place auctions

Something a little Roman Empire?

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summers place auctions

An investment in a place to stop and smell the roses…?

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Or something a little more out in left field?

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summers place auctions

summers place auctions

And who even knew that I needed a bridge for the little stream at the bottom of our garden until we saw this…?

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There was plenty to peruse on the natural history and art front too…

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summers place auctions

summers place auctions

summers place auctions

summers place auctions

summers place auctions

The Summers Place Auctions house runs sales at various times throughout the year. Check out their website here for more details. The next sale is June 9/10th 2015.

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