Summer Tartlets Recipe

Summer Tartlets Recipe

summer tartletts

With long lazy summer holidays ahead we’ve been working on some easy-to-throw-together meals to allow you to spend maximum time out in the sun and minimum time at the cooker. This week look no further than these summer tartlets recipes for the perfect starter, lunch or picnic. Three delicious varieties that can be prepared ahead… the only tricky decision is which to choose!!!

summer tartlets recipe

Tomato, mozzarella and pesto tartlets

You will need…

Pastry cups:

270g pack of filo pastry sheets

3 tbsp garlic infused olive oil

2 large eggs

200ml double cream



3 tbsp sunblush tomatoes

100g mozzarella

2 tbsp fresh pesto

3 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

Serves 12 as a starter or snack, 6 as a lunch.

summer tartlettsJohn Lewis pastry brush & baking tray

Here’s what to do…

  1. Cut the filo pastry in half, and each half into 4 squares. Brush 4 squared with the garlic olive oil and place in one hole of a muffin tin. Repeat until all 12 holes have been lined.
  2. Mix the eggs and double cream together and season.
  3. Add a little mozzarella and a couple of tomatoes to the base of each case and pour over the egg mixture. Heat in oven at 180C for about 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from the muffin tin and return to the oven for a further 5 minutes to crisp up the base and sides.
  5. Blend the pesto and olive oil together to form a dressing. Pour a little over each tartlet when ready to serve.

summer tartlets recipe


Can be served hot or cold.

Prepare ahead to the end of stage 3. Return to oven for 5 minutes to warm and to crisp up just before serving.

Use the pastry ingredients for the following two varieties of tartlet.

summer tartletts


Feta and olive tartlets

You will need…


100g feta cheese

2 tbsp mixed olives, chopped

2 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

summer tartletts

Here’s what to do… 

  1. Follow stage 1 and 2 from previous recipe
  2. Add a little feta cheese and olives to the base of each case, and pour over the cream mixture.
  3. After cooking serve warm with a drizzle of olive oil.

summer tartletts

summer tartlettsLizard Orchid herb chopper and chopping board available soon online.

summer tartletts

Salmon and asparagus tartlets

You will need…


60g smoked salmon

1 handful of chives, chopped

250g fine asparagus blanched and cut into 3.

100g Stilton cheese

3 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp red wine vinegar

1 tsp sesame seed oil

Salt and pepper

summer tartlets recipe

Here’s what to do…

  1. Follow stage 1 and 2 from the previous recipe, adding the chopped chives to the cream mixture.
  2. Crumble the Stilton into the base of each and top with a little smoked salmon and asparagus. Pour over the cream mixture.
  3. Blend the olive oil, vinegar and sesame oil together and drizzle over the tartlets once cooked and ready to serve.

summer tartletts recipeWe love these pretty pastel Mira stoneware bowls from new online luxury homewares brand Lizard Orchid

summer tartletts recipe


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