Brilliant or Bleuch…? Haider Ackermann’s Fall 11 Belts

Belt as bra?

I like a belt as much as the next girl, but taking a perusal at the Haider Ackermann Fall 11 belt offerings, I got to thinking this is belt wizadry gone weyward.

Apart from the uber uncomfortable looking ‘belt as bra’ offering above, Mr Ackermann seems to have taken it upon himself to crown himself the undisputed king of creative beltdom.

skinny belt undone…hmmm..begs the question ‘what’s the point then’?

belt masquerading as dominatrix attire for after dark activities ?

belt on teeny tiny waisted sub size zero model…possibly better suited size wise for you Barbie doll?

On the other hand when you look at the jewel tones, mixed up textures, bling maxi’s along with the belting…you can see why this guy is being touted as the next head of Chanel by Karl Lagerfeld.


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