Workout wear to want

Workout wear I’m wishing for

workout wear

Not that I’m much of a New Years Resolution gal, but having spent the last 3 weeks larging it up (literally) in Australia and achieving the status of size-of-a-small-village, I figured it was about time to start thinking about a new regime now that 2016 is here, and with it a rethink on my workout wear togs.

workout wear

It’s amazing how many people you see exercising when you’re on your hols, which had me simultaneously preparing to reach for the one set of workout wear which I’d packed, yet in the same instant feeling that lethargic hit of procrastination kicking in as the vacation mañana spirit took hold.

Since I last contemplated any serious addiction to exercise, things have changed in the activewear world. The mere fact that we’re talking about ‘activewear’ in the same breath as ‘workout wear’ gives you an inkling that a lot of the garb out there is beginning to segue from garments fit for one purpose through to togs you can wear all day. Who doesn’t love that great skit which went viral over the autumn ‘Activewear’ – check out the YouTube chortle-worthy vid here.

Workout wear – what’s out there?

So what’s out there which works for both actual exercise and also tootling around after the school drop off doing your chores? Here are some of my top picks to set you off on a fitness inspired note this Jan.

P.S. We’ve been nominated for the UK Blog Awards – would love your vote if you have a spare mo…

uk blog awards

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