Valentines Gift Guide for Him

Valentines Gift Guide for your guy

valentines gift guide

If you’re having trouble trying to come up with something a) thoughtful b) appropriate to your relationship c) not too cheezy for your guy for the upcoming celebration of all things romantic, we’ve put together a quick Valentines gift guide to help you along the way.

Click the icons to shop this edit below.

I’m not a big flowers-for-Valentines fan as that’s probably the most over-priced time of year for anything blooming. I’d much rather use the occasion as an excuse to buy him indoors something, to drag him kicking and screaming into the 21st century… for those of you who know him-indoors, you will see that this is clearly an uphill and futile struggle, but ever the optimist – I live in hope.

For me, the perfect Valentines gift is something he doesn’t necessarily need, but if he had it he would immediately see the life-changing benefit and wonder why he himself had never thought of purchasing said extrravagant item… for example a pair socks with no holes in for my fella…

So here’s a few things to give you some ideas on the gifting front… click the images to shop… for more inspo head over to our ‘Gifts For The Mr.’ shopping page here.

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