Saturday Supper Recipe with Ruby & Kind

Saturday Supper Recipe: Satay Chicken

satay chicken

supper recipe

Following on from my fab local shopping find last week of farm shop Ruby & Kind, I returned to snap up another recipe kit from their sister company The Original Supper Box Company to share on the blog this weekend. The kits are awesome and provide you with everything you need along with the recipe to sort your supper for the evening, whether it’s for a big family or just you on your lonesome. So this weekend we are road testing Satay Chicken…

supper recipe

You will need…

4 Chicken breast fillets

200g Peanut butter

10ml Sesame Oil (split into 2 x 5ml portions)

10ml Soy Sauce (split into 2 x 5ml portions)

100g Sweet Chilli Sauce

200g dried Egg Noodles

200g Mange Tout

1 Pepper

1 Onion

80g Cashew nuts

Chilli & Lime for garnish

For full recipe check out The Original Supper Box Company


supper recipe

supper recipe

Here’s what to do…

  1. Pre-heat an oven on 180c / fan170c / gas mark 4
  2. Boil a kettle full of fresh water, pour over the egg noodles and leave to rehydrate for around 10 minutes before draining
  3. Place the peanut butter, 5ml of sesame oil and 5ml of soy sauce along with the sweet chilli sauce into a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly
  4. Put the chicken fillets into the satay sauce and coat evenly
  5. Place the chicken fillets onto a baking sheet and into the preheated oven for around 15 minutes (cooking times may vary)
  6. Peel and slice the onion and pepper
  7. Heat a wok and add the other 5ml of sesame oil
  8. Once smoking add the onions, peppers, mange tout and cashew nuts
  9. Stir fry for around 3 to 4 minutes before adding the noodles and other 5ml of soy sauce and cook for a further minute
  10. Serve the noodles with the chicken on top
  11. Garnish with half a lime and a few thin slices of chilli

supper recipe

supper recipe

supper recipe

supper recipe


Turn the chicken half way through cooking, but do use tongs as the satay sauce is very sticky!

supper recipe


With thanks to Ruby & Kind and The Original Supper Box Company for their fab recipes.

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