Pinterest playtime

Pinterest playtime…


sara delaney pinterest board

I don’t know about you, but when I’m not hurtling around the neighbourhood maniacally checking off my chores list or loading yet another pile of hardly worn teen washing into the machine, I can otherwise be found getting completely lost in the wonderful world of Pinterest. Being a bit of a sucker for all things pretty, I first got sucked into this seemingly harmless hobby via the pastel perkiness pins from the likes of Mély of Chaudron Pastel, and from there it was a hop, skip and a jump to my fate as aspiring addict to this gloriously visual community.

sara delaney pinterest board

Sometimes I can spend hours heading down the rabbit hole of pins and unlike other forms of social there is something totally relaxing and calming about collating images which make you happy just to glance at. For instance, recently I’ve found myself getting all hot under the collar when I spot an awesome bloke-plus-dog-travelling-in-some-barren-landscape pin which is just about perfect for my Favourite Places & Spaces board, whilst a click later I’m salivating over someone’s choc chip cookie recipe shot just so in a dark moody flat lay… that’s my Yum board improved by a country mile then!

sara delaney pinterest board

Then we haven’t even started on the fashion, style and grillions of other hobbies this platform caters for. You can seriously spend days pinning without coming up for air. To be fair if you do become that serious then you might want to be looking at helpful pinning apps like Tailwind to help with all your scheduling…

sara delaney pinterest board


So if you’re feeling a little listless on a rainy day and you’re in the market for a little creative relaxation then pop on over to our Pinterest boards and start your playtime with us… in fact this post is already 3 hours late as I’ve been distracted on fixing up my ‘floral’ board…

5 Pinterest accounts I’m stalking right now…

Of course, as with most social media platforms, the fun of them is all about the stalking of others, so here are a few of my fave pinners out there right now.

Girl in the Lens: I love Natasha’s vibe – she has a great eye for photography at the best of times and has a fun mix of style, food and travel to keep you entertained.

The Londoner & Gal Meets Glam : Although these are two mega bloggers, they were clearly separated at birth and they spend much of their time glamming around the world together in amazing places with totally beautiful photography by their hubs/boyfriends to  boot. Capturing some covetable lifestyle images – totally worth a stalk, but be warned, addiction is sure to follow.

Bodie and Fou : Love the interior imagery from these guys… wish my house looked like this all the time!

Style me Pretty : Fab for anyone who’s planning a wedding – amazing inspo on there all the time.

Paul Blundell : Has piles of amazing photography on his boards, though check out his website too for his awesome portfolio.

But this is just my ‘today’ list, ask me tomorrow and I’d probably have another top 5 on my list. The thing about Pinterest is that it takes you to all sorts of happy places. So if you’re having a bit of a crap day, it’s the perfect place for a 5-minute (or hour) pick me up – hop on over and have a go….


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