Sweet & sticky chicken recipe from The Social Kitchen

The Social Kitchen recipe book

the social kitchen

I was recently sent a new recipe book called The Social Kitchen which is chock full of recipes by Shally Tucker and has been put together by her daughter Dani in memory of her mother. Throughout her life, Shally curated hand-written cookbooks with recipes reaching as far back as her grandmother. The book shares fond memories of family life, delicious recipes and an insight into how to create your own social kitchen with a little love and a lot of laughter. So here’s Shally’s sweet & sticky chicken recipe which is perfect for the upcoming BBQ season.

the social kitchen

You will need…

6 whole chicken legs

6 tbsp salad cream

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

6 tbsp mango chutney

salt & black pepper

serves 6

the social kitchen

Here’s what to do…

  1. Preheat the oven to 200c / fan 180c / gas 6
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut deep slashes in each chicken leg, then put them all in a large baking tray or a roasting tin.
  3. Mix the remaining ingredients and season with salt & pepper, then pour half the mixture over the chicken and rub into each leg.
  4. Bake the chicken in the hot oven for 50 minutes until it’s all bubbling and golden.
  5. Pour the rest of the sauce over the chicken and cook for another 10 minutes, then take the dish out of the oven.
  6. Skim off as much fat as you can and serve the chicken with a salad and some crusty bread.

the social kitchen

the social kitchen

the social kitchen

the social kitchen

We served up our chicken with Shally’s potato salad recipe which you can also find in the book.

For this and other yummy recipes, you can buy The Social Kitchen here. All proceeds from the book go to the charity Dermatrust.

With thanks to The Social Kitchen for sharing the book and their touching family story with our family.

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