Mushroom Ramen Recipe

Mushroom Ramen Recipe with Ruby & Kind

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

It’s time to start thinking new season foods as well as new season fashion, and luckily thanks to our friends over at lovely local provisions store Ruby & Kind we’ve got a ton of autumnal recipes heading your way for the weekends to come. This weekend we’re starting out with this delicious mushroom ramen recipe which not only smells and tastes great, it’s also super easy to throw together for a fast family meal.

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

You will need…

3 field/portobello mushrooms

30g miso paste

5ml soy sauce

1 onion

1 pepper

50g mange tout

50g broad beans

100g udon noodles

Small bunch of coriander

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

Here’s what to do…

  1. Peel and roughly slice the onion and add to a pan or wok with a little olive oil
  2. Chop the pepper and stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes over a high heat
  3. Chop the mushroom and add to the pan and stir-fry for 2 minutes
  4. Add the soya beans and reduce the heat to a moderate flame
  5. Add 250ml of water per person and the soy sauce and allow to come to the boil
  6. Add the miso soup paste and stir in
  7. Add the udon noodles and allow to cook over a moderate heat for 4 minutes
  8. Serve in a deep bowl with a few pinches of chopped coriander.

Serves 2

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

Tip: Soya beans are a fantastic source of protein. Keep them as a store cupboard staple as they are so versatile.

mushroom ramen recipe by ruby & kind photographed by sara delaney

For more easy to follow recipes hop on over to Ruby & Kind or their sister company The Original Supper Box Company.



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