Wishing you a healthy and happy new year


new year

I’m not a great one for New Year’s resolutions… oh apart from that recurring one to unsubscribe from a ton of junk emails which land in my inbox daily… but this year having been foiled over the festive period by a flu-bug, I’m beginning to see that it’s the little things which in the end kick start your happy new year. Today for me happiness is a pair of cashmere joggers, a snuggly duvet and a bedroom window cracked open to let a little fresh air in… which got me to thinking, what else do I need to change my perspective on as the New Year looms ahead.

new years resolutions

Health & happiness…

I’m not normally a sickly type either, so when slowed to a halt by this pesky bug it’s a timely reminder to resolve to do more to keep healthy in the year to come – and no, not just that old ‘get to the gym’ chestnut. I figure as time marches on we need to pay attention to our bodies from both the inside and out. One of my USA gal pals Kelli Bussan posted on her blog The Kelli Chronicles recently about her top wellness books for this time of year – worth a peek, and you can check that out here.


You may remember before the madness of Christmas ensued I tried Skinade for a month and my complexion looked and felt fantastic… (sadly just ran out so need to re-order once disease and pestilence have been ejected from our home).



Weirdly, when you’re a sucker for stationery and enthusiasm for a new year is on the ebb, there’s always a little inspiration to be found via Kikki.k – I’m not talking changing-the-world-with-motivational-proclamations which might shed new light on the good and the bad that was 2016. It just makes me happy to have a few uplifting notes around the house.

new years resolution

New year, new trends to try…

The New Year also brings the promise of a new season chocked full of new and exciting trends to road test, and as the blog has had a facelift this past year too, I’m definitely looking forward to creating more content and beautiful photography to share. Our style advice series will continue as we trip into the new season of trends, so if you’re new to our community head to our Start Here page above to help figure out your Style ID and your body shape so that you’re ready to snap up the upcoming trend report later this month.

new years resolution

new years resolution

So thanks for stopping by and here’s wishing you a happy and healthy 2017 – and if you don’t already, then feel free to stalk me on social media @notesbyastylist.


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