Jay-Z’s first book needs Decoding

Here’s a little something to keep you occupied over the weekend. Jay-Z has just launched his first book “Decoded”. But not for him the usual publishing party razzamataz, no siree, the big man has decided the best way to get us all involved in his venture is to run an almighty scavenger hunt for each page.

Sponsored by Bing, that fab search engine that keeps you stuck to the computer for more hours than are healthy, you can navigate the globe answering cryptic clues to find pages from the book.

Pages of the book have been placed in meaningful spots that were pivotal in Jay-Z’s rise to fame. Gucci were in on it and created a jacket with “Decoded” lining, they also revealed 2 pages of the book in the window of their 5th Avenue store last Thursday. Rumour also has it that some plates in the Spotted Pig held a page or two.

The grand prize to the fan who decodes the hunt online is a lifetime of free access to all Jay-Z shows everywhere – it had best be a die hard fan that wins that one then…

Go to Bing.com/JayZ to join in the fun.

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