Max Factor is back… and it’s good!

You X Max Factor.


Last week I headed up to the club at The Ivy for a makeup workshop with the lovely folk at Max Factor which was run by fab makeup artist Caroline Barnes. It was a gathering of us older bloggers and the whole evening was about redefining our misconceptions about makeup. As well as showing us how to apply the scary stuff in a way which works for our well lived in complexions and doesn’t take hours (which all those young beauty bloggers seem to have to spare on their YouTube videos).


From a quick straw poll of the gathering of gals (and 1 guy) there, we soon established that back in the day there was nobody to teach us how to put makeup on. And these days while our daughters might be glued to good old YouTube to learn how to contour and highlight like a surrogate Kardashian, we don’t have the time or the inclination to do the same, but wouldn’t it be nice if someone actually showed us how! Well, boom – thanks to Caroline Barnes and Max Factor we are now able to do just that with their new You X Max Factor campaign.


Having run the largest global beauty study of the past five years, Max Factor interviewed over 26,000 women. Over three-quarters of those polled noted that they do look to other women they know and see in their lives for beauty inspo as opposed to gorgeous young models or actresses. With 79% of British women claiming beauty advertising fails to represent relatable women. With this in mind, Max Factor (who were recently bought by beauty giants Coty) have vowed to reach those women like us. I.e. who’ve actually lived life and don’t come with perfect complexions and flawless skin. They’re calling it beauty with depth and I for one thoroughly approve.


So with a little dutch courage to hand, first up we were colour matched for the correct foundation by Caroline’s professional MUA team in attendance. Then took our places for a start to finish ‘how to put makeup on’ workshop with Caroline.



Fran @thefashion_lift


Kat @doesmybumlook40



With a little sustenance mid-tutorial and lots of giggles, we learnt a lot, and all agreed we would definitely benefit from the new Max Factor ethos from here on in.



With huge thanks to Max Factor for such a fun night. Watch this space for a ‘how-to’ coming soon once I’ve practised a bit!

I’ve added this post to the fab Not Dressed as Lamb #SaturdayShareLinkup by Catherine Summers – you can find loads of other great reads in one spot – pop over for a read.


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