Smart Decor Ideas from The Conran Shop.

The Conran Shop does smart decor ideas.


I remember the Conran Shop being the place we would glean all our interior ideas from way back when we were living in London and starting a family. My husband and I would while away a whole day tootling around Brompton Cross (pre-kids obvs – as otherwise how would we possibly have the time to do any whiling away of time?), popping our noses in where we would collate long lists of gorgeous items to add to our small one bedroom flat. Fast forward to today and that same store is still one I get a little skip in my step at when I cross the threshold.


This week I had an hour or two to spare and was passing the hallowed store, so I headed in for a reminder of the good old days, not expecting to find anything in my price range. But you know what? There’s plenty afoot in today’s Conran Shop just like there was back in the day no matter what your budget. For nestling in the basement are a whole host of super on-trend decor ideas which anyone could incorporate into their home whether you are swanning around in a big gaff in the burbs or simply renting a one-bedroom in Hackney.

First up I loved these flat flower vases by Japanese brand D-Bross. They come in a set of two and unfold to give you two super funky flower vases. They are genius for storage saving solutions… I can’t tell you how many vases I’ve got cluttered away under the kitchen sink and in the shed which I never actually remember to break out every time I pick up some new flowers.


Once filled with water you also get a gorgeous light show as it filters through the bright acrylic. I loved the colour block ones and you can also snap up a watering can to boot.


Then for the aspiring gardener who perhaps works full time or doesn’t have the space to plant anything up, check out this fabulous Smart Garden. This little cutie is by Click & Grow and is the latest innovation in food tech. You can grow and nourish your herbs and flowers without actually bothering to do much maintenance. It uses smart soil which has been developed using NASA technology; this nifty gadget also has built-in sensors which figure out exactly how much oxygen, water and nutrients your buds require for maximum speedy growth and then deliver it directly to the source.


You can choose from growing herbs or small fruit & veg right through to flowers from this variety of seed packets. There’s no pesticides or plant hormones, and it’s small enough to fit in the tiniest of spots, so for the time-poor eco-warrior in your life – I’m thinking this might be the perfect answer. Or even that starving student you’ve packed off to college could benefit from growing a few of their own greens on their windowsill next term. And if anyone is hoping to bring a little spring indoors this season, then this looks like a great place to start.



Who else has a store which reminds them of those halcyon days when life seemed less complicated and we actually had time to pootle about in them?

For more ideas on where to shop in the Brompton Cross area, head to our Shopping Guide with Donna Ida here.


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