Valentine Date Night Supper Recipe

Valentine Date Night Supper Recipe.valentine date night supper recipe

So Valentines Day is upon us again, and for those of us who’ve been ‘dating’ the same guy for a number of years, it’s not all about the overpriced red roses and the candlelit dinner à deux. In fact, in our house, it’s quite the opposite. If him indoors actually remembers a card then that’s a bit of a miracle in itself. Over the years we’ve relaxed into a rather nice routine of not bothering with the clamour to get that last table elbow to elbow with the couple next to you and instead opted for a really nice meal at home. So just in time for the big cupid day, here’s a couple of valentine date night supper recipe ideas for you to try.

valentine date night supper recipe

Date Night Prawn Curry

You will need…

2 tbsp olive oil

1 red onion, thinly sliced

2 tsp grated fresh ginger

2 garlic cloves, crushed

½ red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

2 tbsp curry paste

Juice of 1 lime

400ml reduced fat coconut milk

3 medium-sized tomatoes, chopped

1 handful of coriander stems, chopped

1 handful of coriander leaves, roughly chopped

200g baby spinach

300g raw peeled king prawns

4 Naan breads

1 tbsp cumin seed

Salt and pepper

Serves 4

valentine date night supper recipe

Here’s what to do…

  1. Heat the oil in a pan with the onion, ginger, garlic and chilli for a few minutes.
  2. Add the curry paste and lime juice and slowly add the coconut milk, tomatoes and coriander stems. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir in the baby spinach leaves and the raw prawns, and heat until the prawns turn pink, and the spinach is wilted. Season.
  4. Serve with a basmati /wild rice and warmed naan bread. Scatter with cumin seeds and chopped coriander.

valentine date night supper recipe

Suzi Grant’s Guilt Free Chocolate Mousse.

valentine date night supper recipe

You will need…

1 ripe avocado

1/4 cup raw cacao powder: cold pressed so high in anti-oxidants and more nutrient-dense than cocoa powder, which has been roasted at a high heat.

1 dessert to a tablespoon of Agave Sweetener: natural, unrefined and low on the Glycaemic Index… healthy & good for diabetics and dieters.

1 cup almond or coconut milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

valentine date night supper recipe

Here’s what to do…

Simply whizz the list of ingredients in a blender, decant into a pretty glass or ramekin and chill in the fridge.

This wheat-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and vegan pudding is so delicious you will not believe there’s nothing naughty in it at all!

valentine date night supper recipe

With thanks to the lovely Suzi Grant for her recipe – you can catch more of her nutrition tips on her blog Alternative Ageing, or snap up her book of the same name here.

valentines date night supper recipe


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