Sneak Peek – Custo Barcelona images for Fall/Winter 11 show

Well, who’d have thought it, Custo Barcelona, the label that screams ‘Ibiza club scene but only if I go in my private jet dahling’ has a surprising new take for the forthcoming Mercedes-Benz New York fashion show.

According to the PR team, yes, there might be the familiar trends of military, floral and embellishment but this time around the Custo vibe is inserting an ethos of lack of ostentation. Quoting the idea of ‘Povera’ or poor, the idea seems to be that less is more, flaws are fab and the runway collection is going to be all about satisfying your inner urban chick with oversized pieces of layering heaven.

PR gobbledeygook aside, the Custo show is always a treat so I’m looking forward to figuring out whether the PR folk were having a slow fashion day when they put their release together or whether, in fact, I’ll be dashing out to buy these pieces as I’m definitely liking the idea of being an urban chick on her way to Ibiza…

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