Astley Clarke bracelet giveaway winner

Astley Clarke bracelet giveaway – who’s the lucky winner?

astley clarke bracelet giveaway

We’ve had fun this week promoting our lovely Astley Clarke bracelet giveaway just in time for Mother’s Day weekend. If truth be told we’ve become rather besotted with the whole Kula bracelet collection ourselves, so will definitely be slightly green with envy of the winner (who has been randomly selected by the amazing Autobots over at Rafflecopter.)

astley clarke bracelets

If you missed the posts on these twinkly Kula bracelet cuties take a peek here.

The giveaway ended today at 5 pm so it’s time to announce the lucky winner. *Pauses for drum roll…realizes that a WordPress blog platform does not currently offer a drum roll widget… and the winner is….. Karin from Surrey!!

Well done Karin and we hope you enjoy the gorgeous stack of Kula bracelets which will be winging their way to you via the team at Astley Clarke.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter, and special thanks to Astley Clarke for their generous giveaway.


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