Beef winter warmer recipe

Beef Winter Warmer Recipe

Now that we are tip-toeing into the chillier months it’s a great time to start serving up yum cosy meals for family or guests, so I’ve put together this delicious and easy to make beef winter warmer recipe. Perfect for big family meals or supper parties as the nights draw in.

Beef fillet with wild mushroom gratin

beef winter warmer recipe

You will need…

beef winter warmer recipe 

1 Shallot, finely chopped

1 large garlic clove, crushed

4 tbsp olive oil

200g wild mushrooms/chestnut mushrooms, roughly chopped

2 tbsp white wine

1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley

1 tbsp chopped chives

1 900g whole piece beef fillet, about 6cm in diameter

4 tbsp double cream

1 egg yolk

2 tbsp grated parmesan

Serves 6

beef winter warmer recipe

Here’s what to do…

The day before serving:

1.Sauté the shallot and garlic in 1 tbsp oil for 5 minutes until softened. Add a further 2 tbsp oil and add the mushrooms and cook on a high heat for about 7 minutes until browned and cooked.

  1. Add the wine and cook for 4 minutes until it evaporates down and the mixture appears quite dry. Tip in a bowl and season, mix in herbs and leave to cool.
  2. Brush the beef with the remaining oil and season. Heat a pan to a high temperature and sear the beef for 10 to 12 minutes, rolling it to cook around the outside. Leave to cool.
  3. Whip the cream and fold into the cooled mushroom mixture with the egg yolk. Cover and place in fridge overnight.
  4. Wrap the cooled meat in cling film and store in fridge overnight too.

beef winter warmer recipe

The next day:

  1. Heat the oven to 200C. Cut the meat into 6 portions and place on a greased baking tray.
  2. Season and pile the mushroom mixture on top of each portion, topping with parmesan. Cook uncovered for 12 minutes until the topping is bubbling and golden. Serve immediately and sprinkle with chives.

beef winter warmer recipe

beef winter warmer recipe

 beef winter warmer recipe


Do not over sear the beef the day before. You want the filet to be medium rare and pink in the middle when served.

I will be serving this with Dauphinoise potatoes and either sesame French beans or a crispy green salad with thinly sliced red onions.

beef winter warmer recipe

 P.S. We’ve been nominated for the UK Blog Awards… would love your vote if you have a spare mo… apparently you can vote once a day up until Jan 25th if you have a yen for it!

uk blog awards

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