Christmas Prep Checklist

Christmas Prep Checklist.

Christmas prep check list by fashion stylist and blogger sara delaney

I have to ‘fess up to being a bit of a list maker, so when it comes to the last full weekend before the big Holiday weekend rest assured I’ve made more than one list and I’ve checked it rather more than twice. So I thought I’d run through a quick Christmas prep checklist to remind myself what’s all set and what I’ve got left to do.

  1. Pressies bought and wrapped for family – check

christmas prep check list

2. Hubs despatched to local Christmas tree farm shop to hunt and gather iconic festive decor accoutrements – check

3. New pressies bought for God children because I forgot what I already bought and stashed away in September when I was nailing Christmas gifting early – check (more gifting ideas in our shop)

4. Christmas day food order edited to include a little more than just the booze I threw in the virtual basket to snag the delivery slot – double check

5. Take self to local farm shop to buy all the festive decor stuff that hubs thought unnecessary on the first list and failed to bring home – check (if you want a job doing right etc…)

christmas prep lists

6. Annual trip to VV Rouleaux before decking the halls with sparkly stuff – check with glitter on

vv rouleaux

7. Christmas playlists set up and playing on repeat on Sonos system throughout house for the months of December and most of January – check with sleigh bells on

8. Kids out of school so actual decorating can commence without any moaning about not being included in festive prep – check

9. Mantlepieces stuffed to the gunwales with decor and sparkly lights in seasonal diorama style with abundance of hastily sourced blue tac from kids school bag in manner of  pro-Blue Peter presenter – check

christmas mantlepiece decor by fashion stylist and blogger sara delaney

10. Special tin of Christmas chocolate fingers already cracked into without it being even Christmas in irreverent ‘I’m not going to run this festive season like my mother did’ stance – check

11. Mad dash to post office early enough to miss the old-ladies-buying-tat queue to post aforementioned God children pressies – check

12. Beauty and skincare appointments sorted for last week before the big day to enable Cinders to Princess transformation – check

13. Christmas menu planned and recipes assimilated (for inspo head to our ‘Food’ section) – check

14. Festive outfits sorted for party invites and the big day – for more ideas head over to our Fashion section – check

metallic zara skirt worn by fashion stylist and blogger sara delaney

15. First glass of fizz of the season quaffed as I collapse on the sofa to make more lists – triple check

festive check list

So that’s where I’m at this weekend. Next week we’ve got a few more prep ideas to share but also will be slowing down on the blogging schedule so that we can actually enjoy the seasonal break with family and friends. You can still stalk us on social media @notesbyastylist.


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