Colour Creatives Workshop

Colour Creatives Workshop with Fiona Humberstone.

colour creative workshop

Earlier this week I headed to the Colour Creatives Workshop with sis-in-law, which was put together by the lovely Fiona Humberstone of The Brand Stylist.

Over the course of the summer we’ve been sorting out exciting new content ideas for the blog this season; think lifestyle, food and travel added to your dose of punchy style advice from the Notes From A Stylist blog. With Ellen beginning to post more content on what’s hot in Hong Kong, we will be introducing  sis-in-law, Amanda Delaney to the mix, who is going to be creating mouth-watering and easy to prep food ideas once a week.

colour creatives workshop

As part of the whole web upgrade process, we thought it would be a fun part of our joint journey to figure out if our styles and brand thoughts were compatible for our big adventure. So we hot-footed it to the Brixton East venue for a fact filled and fun packed day.

colour creatives workshop

I hadn’t been to the Brixton East venue before, but as soon as we hopped out of our cab and poked our noses through the door, I knew it was a place I was going to love. Paired back to simple white-washed walls, exposed beams and twinkly lights (who can resist a twinkly light?) it was a great vintage meets modern vibe kinda venue. Just the right amount of ‘light & airy’ making it a great space for our brainstorming session ahead.

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

So once the intros had been done… I always hate that bit where you have to say a bit about yourself and act like you do the ‘elevator speech’ thing every day…by the time it gets round to me I’m so wrapped up in ear-wigging what everyone else has said, and mentally jotting down notes to use their witty phrases myself, that I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say – doh!

Anyhoo – I seemed to survive, and then we got in to the nitty gritty of colour psychology. It was all about pinning down your own personality, then looking at your brand, and how much of your personality should actually leak into the brand.

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

We mood-boarded up….

colour creatives workshop

I particularly loved jewellery designer Louisa Slade’s ethereal moodboard – take a look at her lovely meaningful jewellery here. I think she really captured the essence of her brand which is all about working with natural, organic forms of nature and also ‘repurposing’ pieces which you might already own.

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

And I must admit to getting a little mood-board envy… those florists know a thing or two about creativity….

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

A quick break for lunch…which is a whole other story I’ll let you in on in another post…. including gorgeous vintage servewear thanks to Anthropologie

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

Then we were back at it, scratching our heads as to whether we were winter or spring, summer or autumn… decisions, decisions.

colour creatives workshop

colour creatives workshop

The upshot? I thought I was a kind of Springy brand person, but it turns out I’m Winter. On the up-side, sis-in-law is the same, so we are now looking forward to heading along on our project at least safe in the knowledge that we are like-minded folk.

colour creatives workshop

Check back here for an update on the new look blog soon, as well as a peek at the images I took of the delicious food we ate on the day courtesy  of Maddie Hatton.

If you’re about to embark on any re-branding or website set up – I can’t recommend this course highly enough for pulling your focus together. Check out the services and lovely blog by Fiona Humberstone here.

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