Instagram Challenge – play along…

Instagram Challenge… what’s the scoop?

instagram challenge

You know how a lot of us are slightly addicted to Instagram, and we seem to spend every meal/evening out/real-life moment asking everyone to slow down or hold still whilst we snap a conveniently slick image to share with our followers?

Well, this month, we at Notes from a Stylist thought we might help you out with your addiction, and bring you a little edited structure to make gramming more socially acceptable. If you follow along, you can tell all your very annoyed respective partners/families/dates that you are, in fact, simply participating in a social experiment on behalf of the Notes from a Stylist blog.

instagram challenge

Instagram Challenge…how to play…

The deal with an Instagram Challenge is this – download the daily challenge list here and simply upload your daily Instagram in the stylie set out in the challenge with the hashtag #NotesFromAStylistInstaChallenge, then share on the good old Insta-world-wide-web along with any other social media channels you may be in denial about being addicted to, and let us all see your photography and filter skills.

We will be playing along on Instagram via @notesbyastylist, Twitter via @notesbyastylist, Pinterest via notesbyastylist and on the Facebook page here. Hop on over and show us your best bits.

There’s no prize or give-away related to this – it’s simply a bit of fun to focus our creative process over the month of November.

Good luck – and have fun!

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