Lands’ End SS16 Loveliness

Lands’ End SS16

lands end ss16

Last time I looked at Lands’ End I think we were still living in New York and I was looking for something with extreme warmth to keep the biting East coast winds away. This time, I took a peek at their SS16 collection in a rather more balmy London and was delighted to see that they’re bringing their A-game to the fore next season.

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With their stylist on hand to tweak beautiful grosgrain bows just right, this collection left the puffa brigade way behind and instead offered us wearable on-trend separates in good old patriotic colour palettes which will have their army of East Coast fans lapping up the looks come July 4th next year.

lands end

Loved this crisp white shirt dress… and bows are definitely the new belts…

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lands end

lands end

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The accessories were also particularly on point, these sandals reminded me of the chic simplicity of Tibi heels from last season.

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But if Lands’ End for you is all about the classic, then fear not as there were plenty of cable knit nautical looks to opt for too…

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lands end

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