Linn Speakers get a makeover

Linn Speakers for the fashionista

linn speakers

Now here’s a smart design idea…just in time to coincide with both the London Design Festival and London Fashion Week Linn Products launched a range of fab speakers at a multi-sensory event in London last weekend. If you’re a bit of a music fan with an artsy bent then these speakers might be right up your street.

linn speakers

Just when you thought speakers had to be that dull thing you bung in the corner behind the sofa which mess up your room zen, take a look at these gorgeous offerings. In our home we’ve long since run out of hanging space for any artwork, so these speakers would be a fab way of adding a new artistic slant to a room.

linn speakers

Linn Products have been producing cutting edge speakers for years, but their snazzy series 5 speakers can be customised to blend in and match your home decor or make a bold statement piece. The 2016 collection includes collaborative designs with Timorous Beasties and Harris Tweed Hebrides which look really cool.

linn speakers

During the event we were treated to a full-on sensory journey in order to experience the Exact technology used in these cuties, as well as a performance by one of their signed artists Joe Stilgoe… who by the way had covetable shoes on… which I always think says a lot about a dude.

linn speakers

joe stilgoe

joe stilgo

linn products

linn speakers

linn products

linn speakers

With thanks to the team at Linn Products for managing to educate us in the art of speaker science within the space of an hour!

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