London Fashion Week ….Killian Kerner Spring 2014


When it comes to figuring out what to rock on a red carpet, you couldn’t go far wrong with a Killian Kerner number.

During his salon presentation today at the prestigious Waldorf Hilton in London, Killian Kerner’s fledgling label came of age. With Jazz pianist Greg Foat tinkling the ivories, we sipped champagne…whilst trying to snap a few shots… of the delightful dresses on show.





One curious question arrises with the current fad for designers opting to do a presentation rather than a full on runway show, is which works best? Whilst I appreciate the runway show is a huge expense and logistical nightmare, the presentation…with mannequins in tow…can’t quite sell the product in the same way.

I remember seeing the Alice Temperley show in New York a season or two ago when all her beautiful pieces were being rocked by….a mannequin. Whilst I can respect the need to be cost effective, there’s something about the 3D inanimate object that somehow doesn’t do it for me. Thank the Lord then that our hero of the hour chose to work with both fully living and breathing species as well as the still life form. You can see from the pictures that the real-life models owned that stage!







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