Marni for H&M press night….part 2

So, this is the nearest I got to picking anything up at the Marni for H&M press event last night. In retrospect arriving at 7.15pm for a 7pm opening was perhaps a little naive, but hey, everyone makes mistakes.

Actually that’s not strictly true, when I got there, there were a bunch of men’s clothes still available. Then I did wander round clutching a tee shirt for half an hour but lost enthusiasm, and lovely blogger Karen Brit Chick did offer me a pair of PJ bottoms – I think she took pity on a fellow Brit with punctuality issues.

At the mobbed 5th Avenue store – yes there were cocktails, yes there were canapes…and yes there were a zillion people grabbing anything they could and wandering around with huge piles of stash like they were in the last jumble sale before Armageddon. Short of mugging someone for what they had in their arms or ripping something off someones back, I surmised pretty quickly that this was no party to arrive late to.

On the up side, I did bump into the Man Repeller (literally), who took one look at my (real) Marni necklace and asked if that was in store…sadly not, I paid full price for that baby.

In the goody bag we got to take away a silk scarf, hmm, scratch that, half a silk scarf – literally shorn in two. I guess we are just getting out of a recession and all that.

The quality of garments was mixed, but that won’t stop the hype. My master plan? To save up my pennies for the real deal and not panic buy.

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