New Season Planning

New season planning for the home.

the white company artisan collection photographed by sara delaney

We’re just about teetering on the end of another glorious summer, and my thoughts have been turning to getting the kids back to school, regrouping on work practices and also looking ahead to new season planning.

the white company artisan collection photographed by sara delaney

I always find this feeling at this time of year to be a bit like those back to school days when you got all excited about new uniform you swore to your mum you would keep rip-free for a whole term. Who remembers those crisp new school books in which you vowed to keep your handwriting as neat as the first page throughout the year?  Or those new school shoes you managed to persuade your mum to buy because they were on trend, but pinched every time you wore them, and you figured they were worth the blisters for the cool points you would obtain? Well, for me my new season planning always starts with a traditional scouring through September issues of mags and brochures and compiling list upon list of items I clearly can’t live without in the upcoming months. Then just as new collections drop into stores, I promptly forget my initial good intentions once the melee of school runs and household chores collide.

the white company artisan collection photographed by sara delaney

But just in case one or two plans make it to fruition, I’m spending this week working on my new season master plans. On the interiors front, I’m finding all things rose quartz and lilac grey appealing everywhere I turn on Pinterest.

rose quartz pinterest board

rose quartz pinterest


While also in the home the simplicity of the new Artist Studio collection from The White Company with all its rustic vibes and cosying up feel is whispering sweet nothings in my ear as the perfect way to perk up my kitchenwares and get me through the colder months.

the white company artisan collection photographed by sara delaney

the white company artisan collection photographed by the white company

New Season Blog Plans

The biggest plans of all though, which I’ve been tinkering with over the summer, are all about a rebrand for the blog in the upcoming weeks. While Lobler & Delaney will still be a part of this site, the Notes From a Stylist Blog has grown such a great community of like-minded peeps that I figured it was time to concentrate on writing about the things they’ve been asking to hear about. The new look site will have an emphasis on style advice, trend picks and how-to’s so it’s easier to figure out how to work the upcoming trends and still keep your style mojo ticking along. There are still a few more tweaks to be made and diffractor beams to focus but watch this space for more developments.

In the meantime, I’m shooting over to New York on the weekend to deliver no.1 son to NYU for his freshers week so be sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter @notesbyastylist

Shopping time…

Click on the images below to shop some of the lovely Artist Studio for Autumn collection by The White Company which drops into stores today.




With thanks to The White Company for the preview items used in this post.

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