Notes from a Stylist eyes up Lululemon’s Spring Collection

For me spring is all about new beginnings, and every March without fail I fall into that classic ‘ must work out more’ trap with the foolish ideal that by the summer I shall be touting the body of Gisele (even her post baby bod would be good enough for me…)

This March is no different, aided by the fact that I’m hitting the gym twice a week, have dabbled in Vinyassa Yoga and kind of attending a regular Pilates session – affectionately known as the torture room by me & my work out compadres. I swear if an alien landed in that room they’d jump to the sane conclusion that it’s not an exercise room, rather a lair stashed with evil dominatrix equipment…

With all that kicking off, it’s time to re-evaluate the exercise kit – thankfully, has come up with the goods to answer my call. One step over their threshold and you feel like signing up to all sorts of athletic activities.

I could become a committed Yogi kitted out in their pastel ‘Power Y’ tanks and ‘Savasana’ Wrap.

I could possibly train for a half marathon if I had some of their cute running shorts paired with a ‘personal best’ singlet. Hell, I might even be up for a Triathlon if it meant I could swan around in their ‘Define’ jackets and ‘Reverse Groove’ short.

The key to my obsession with their kit is that, without fail, they manage to punt out technical yet cool looking pieces in this season’s colors that keep me going back for more.

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