Notes from a Stylist hits Chateau Marmont, LA…

We’ve all heard the stories of rock stars taking their lives there and movie stars taking up residence, so what’s it like to hang in the infamous Chateau Marmont for a lazy weekend in the spring?

To be fair, as we arrived and Andre Leon Talley was checking out, there was a bit of a squish at the tiny reception area so first impressions were not good, but a couple of glasses of veuve clicqout later at lunch, our suite on the 4th floor awaited.

Having snooped in our buddies room at the cool Crosby Street Hotel in Soho, NY the previous week which had been tastefully decorated by Kit Kemp, the Chateau was in fact, a bit sad. There were lots of  authentic pieces from appropriate era’s but actually not much comfort factor.

That said, the thrill of being in a much hallowed venue kind of made up for the faded elegance. A fashion shoot by some such magazine was in full swing, movers and shakers were indeed moving and shaking over dinner tables and to top it all Ioan Gruffud was booked in for dinner and stopped by for a chat about Blighty on his way to his table.

Not bad for a quiet weekend away with hubs.

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