Notes from a Stylist hits Rodeo Drive…



Having popped to LA for the red carpet premiere of Twilight Breaking Dawn, it seemed churlish not to take a stroll down Rodeo Drive whilst here. Shacked up at the Beverly Wilshire (of Pretty Woman fame), it’s only a convenient hop across Wilshire Boulevard to the shopping mecca.

After a fortifyling glass of fizz at The Blvd, we set off at a pace to cover the hallowed ground of Rodeo Drive, ready to spot a movie star, but found…to be honest…not much. It felt a little like Knightsbridge on acid, all huge imposing store fronts coupled with the requisite somber looking security doorman, with not much excitement inside once you’d crossed the threshold.

We spotted a couple of Chanel clad old guard Hollywood wives in, funnily enough, Chanel. A few teeny tiny younger Hollywood types in a smattering of other stores, but to be honest it was like a ghost town bar the tumble weed heading down the center of the road.

We took a bodyswerve back to Wilshire and hit Saks 5th Avenue who’s shoe department resembled a tag sale, leggy model types falling over themselves to snag the latest Choo or Manolo. I did espy a Marni shearling tote that might be on my Christmas list…

On to Barney’s where we spied Carolina Herrera trying on a rather funky A.L.C fur vest…I’m wondering if it’s going to influence her F/W 12/13 collection in any way…

Then back to the Beverly Wilshire to relax and prep for the big night tonight, and just in case you were wondering, we are Team Edward all the way…

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