Notes From a Stylist new look

Notes From a Stylist gets a rebrand.

notes from a stylist blog illustration by zarina liew

I’m super excited to be able to share with you the rebrand I’ve been working on over the summer for the Notes From a Stylist Blog with the lovely peeps over at Chloe Digital and amazing illustrator Zarina Liew.

The  Notes From a Stylist blog began way back in 2009 when I was living in New York where we had relocated with our three children for my husband’s work. As a fashion stylist by trade at Lobler & Delaney for more than a decade, I soon found styling the ladies of New York was getting in the way of really experiencing the city. It was time to learn new stuff and grab this adventure by the horns, so a series of fashion journalism classes later my fashion and lifestyle blog was born.

It initially started as a place to share my fashion finds, muse about style inspiration, and document my exploits. But as family and everyday life marched on, coupled with me passing the dreaded 40 mark (only to find that I didn’t turn into a pumpkin and am still quite besotted with shoes and sequins); it has since morphed into more of a spot where you can drop by and discover how to keep your fashion mojo on track.

As grown up status beckons (what with kids off to college and school runs diminishing) the newly refurbished blog is set to channel my fashion nous into a community where you can find anything from how to work the seasonal trends, to new interior finds right through to quick and easy recipes.

Notes From a Stylist – anatomy of the new site.

notes from a stylist new look blog

The best place to get the most out of the new look is to click on ‘Start Here’ above where you can figure out all sorts of intel about your style ID and body shape quirks, then keep your eyes peeled for posts about how to wear each season’s trends to suit your style.

body shapes illustration by zarina liew for the Notes From a Stylist blog

So go ahead and have an explore… You can also sign up below to have each post land niftily into your inbox.

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