Signing off for the Summer

Signing off for the Summer.


So the summer vacay season is upon us and it’s time to hit the road with the fam. I’m taking a little sojourn and heading back to catch up with lovely friends in Majorca. I’m always a fan of taking some time away from the digital world, but equally can’t help wanting to share some of the fab places I will be heading to – so whilst I’m away you can stalk me via Instagram (specifically Stories) @notesbyastylist.

sign off notes from a stylist

You can catch some of my other travel posts right here, otherwise, I’ll be taking lots of pics along the way to bring you new stories and adventures.


As the schools break for the summer I’m sure you’ll all be enjoying your own wonderful vacations or staycations with friends and fam – so cheers to the summer, have an amazing time and let’s catch up on the other side.

If you’re wondering what Notes From a Stylist is up to these days – don’t fret – I’m still around, I’ve just switched lanes and started a new personal branding photographer business called Surrey Social Stock Photography – feel free to pop over and explore our work.

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