Sophia Webster Heels … Wednesday’s Wish List

Sophia Webster Heels …

You know those days when a little innocuous email drops into your inbox, and you idly click on it not really paying attention … and then WHAMMO! The contents of said email has your heart all a flutter and your pulse racing … Well that’s what happened to me when I clicked on a Sophia Webster email today. There I was minding my own business, contemplating a blog post for the wish list today, when this pile of ridiculously lustworthy Sophia Webster heels tumbled out of the page at me begging to be wished for.

Sophia Webster debuted her Crayola colourful collection in the spring of 2013, after working as a design assistant for the equally shoegasmic Nicholas Kirkwood; but only really got on to my radar once I was back on the press circuit in London. The creativity and diversity of the shoe designers here is certainly a notch above anything I’d seen in New York, and as such has now got my full attention.

Maybe this female shoe fetish thing is akin to a bloke drooling over fast cars, but the sheer decadence of these Sophia Webster heels has me feeling like a kid in a candy shop. Who knew that polka dots and butterflies worked so well together, or that in fact dolly mixtures made for a dream shoe design scenario … but somehow they just do!

Having invested in the Riko heels for the spring, and road tested them during my recent Buy My Wardrobe photo shoot – I can safely attest that these babies are seriously comfy to boot.

So for all you similarly obsessed shoe addicts out there, sit back, relax and enjoy the following…


Sophia Webster heels - Wednesday's wish list

1. Girl Talk, 2. Finn, 3. Electra, 4. Leilou, 5. Yaya 1, 6. Mimi Butterfly, 7. Kimmi 3, 8. Riko, 9. Jojo jewel, 10. Optical colour wedge, 11. Bow detail pumps, 12. Nicole.




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