Statement spring coat …trends to try

Statement spring coat … what’s the story?

You know how much the fashion biz loves a ‘statement’ anything, well this season stand by for the statement spring coat. Yes, you might have thought you’d already nailed every item known to man in the statement department, but just when you figure you can stand down on making any more key purchases to stay on the straight and narrow of the endless trend treadmill, along comes the statement spring coat to mess with your head.

sara delaney

To be fair, once you’ve considered the prospect of buying into one of these beauties, it does kind of complete your look. In fact, if you ignored all the other fashion trend rules and just stuck to this one – you could simply don all last years clothes, throw your flashy statement coat on top, et voila – nobody is any the wiser! Genius plan … non?!

statement spring coat

sara delaney

For this week’s trends to try, I have to admit I’ve been a tad lazy on the selfie/photography front. It was a shame not to make use of the images shot by the lovely Jai’me Jan, for my recent Buy My Wardrobe photo shoot … and also considering I’m jetting off back to New York this week for a short stint, packing time is of the essence. So, enjoy these professional images whilst you can… next week it’ll be back to me in front of the lens, a dog called Fozzie getting in the way, and a small 10 year old boy in charge of my Nikon who now thinks he’s David bleedin’ Bailey!

I paired my Zara lambskin coat with this Iris & Ink half sleeve top, J.Crew cropped pants and statement necklace … similar necklace here. Bracelets are a mix of J.Crew and Sisco & Berluti

j.crew necklace

sara delaney

sara delaney

And then there’s the shoes…Sophia Webster deliciousness...

sophia webster shoes

All images by Jai’me Jan. 

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