Stylists We Love project with Buy My Wardrobe

Stylists we love … the low down.

I recently spent a fun evening at The Lockhart London with the Buy My Wardrobe team, the photographer and blogger extraordinaire Jai’me Jan, and a select gathering of fashion stylists for a photo shoot to launch the latest Stylists We Love project.

stylists we love

Buy My Wardrobe had such success peeking into the daily comings and goings of jobbing stylists last year, that they decided to run their project again this year with a new set of fashion stylists. I was thrilled to get the nod to play this time around, and couldn’t wait to meet the other stylists who had been selected.

stylists we love

The photo shoot itself was a giggle – at one point all six of us were amassed atop the cocktail bar all yacking away like naughty school kids, when someone pointed out how weird it was for us to be caught for once on the wrong side of the lens. Jai’me Jan worked his usual magic along with a make up artist from Sarah Artistry. I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t be willing to step outside my front door again without either of these two key participants in attendance, as they made me look actually quite acceptable!

stylists we love

stylists we love

sara delaney

Stylists we love … what’s coming up?

The Stylists we Love project was set up to glean some fly on the wall knowledge about a fashion stylists life. As with any eclectic mix of professionals, we discovered our skill sets ranged from personal styling, costume and theatre design, TV styling, to celebrity styling and editorial. Expect to see some interesting and informative pieces on the Buy My Wardrobe blog over the next few months as we get our teeth into the project dishing the dirt on the day to day fun, and we visit all manner of style orientated conundrums and subjects.

molly rowe

suzanne bernie




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