The Wedding of the Year…captured in art….

So, what if, by chance, you’ve  been invited to the wedding of the year…. and then, what if, you happen to be a world famous water color artist that has been picked to record this auspicious event on the day in real time… and what if you are in a balcony above the queen during this event for the whole day (all be it with your own loo)…what kind of pictures could you pull off under that pressure…

Forget the poor bride and groom having to remember their why’s and wherefore’s, how about having to actually capture that moment and recreate it for Prince Charles… not sure I could do that, but my buddy Alexander Creswell I think is the man for the job.

In a sneaky, undercover operation he swooped into Westminster Abbey on the big day and is coming up with awesome sketches that the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge will be able to treasure for years to come…

If you want to catch the artist’s other works, Alexander Creswell’s latest exhibit ‘Nobility of Place’  is opening in New York at The Forbes Galleries this week Friday May 6th – September 10th 2011.

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