Twilight Breaking Dawn World Premiere in L.A. – Red Carpet Run Down & The After Party

When you’re lucky enough to get a ticket or two for the Twilight Breaking Dawn world premiere, it’s churlish to turn it down. With this in mind, I’m in LA just waking up from the big night that was the premiere.

Verdict? Movie had some amazing special effects that had Kristen Stewart looking like a believable anoerexic, tweens predictably scream every time Mr Lautner deigns to take his shirt off and male movie stars in general are very short.

With a tween at my side who’s sole mission on this adventure was to get an autograph from Taylor Lautner for her cousins, it was a long night.

Arrivals at the back of the Nokia theatre were shepherded to the ‘Will Call for tickets’ area and ushered the other side of the red (on this occasion black) carpet behind huge screens that prevented you from seeing the carpet action.

A couple of teeny tiny overly dressed girlies who teetered around politely next to us waiting to be allowed in, were subsequently spotted actually working the ‘Red Carpet’ – if only I’d paid more attention to all those TMZ episodes…

Once inside the vast theatre it was a 3 hour wait before the stars had done their due dilligence on the carpet and taken their seats for the premiere.

We watched the movie scenes unravel amongst squeals from ardent fans who’d been given last minute seats after they had ‘endured’ tent city awaiting the big premiere. If I were a Twi-hard I reckon I’d be pleased with the movie, but seriously, it was all a little overly graphic and slightly dull – no spoiler alerts but if you’re not an avid fan, maybe wait for the dvd….

So then it was on to the roof top after party, an early appearance by Taylor Lautner in a VVIP area was spotted, but sadly documentary evidence was missed as we hadn’t retrieved our cell phones from the check in – obviously no phones or cameras allowed at a world premiere lest Taiwan boot leggers get in on the action.

So a few circuits of the after party, champagne….or rather prosecco in hand revealed that whilst the wolf pack were happy to mingle amongst the after party guests, it was less easy to snag a photo with a vampire. That said, the spread was truly awesome Hollywood blockbuster style. They shipped in the actual arch from the movie’s wedding scene and recreated the enchanted forest feel with style.

With our mission unaccomplished but a few wolfpack autographs and pictures snagged, we hopped in our limo and floated home just before midnight Cinderella stylie….


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