What not to wear to a baby shower…

So, having been a bit discombobulated recently due to a bereavement break in the UK and jet lag kicking in and all… this weekend I hit the ground running at 5am heading for New Haven for a swim meet in my capacity as a USA swim official. Seemed to be all ticking along nicely until I realized that said swim meet was due to close 12.30 and a certain buddies baby shower was 12-2…

So armed with my less than appropriate swim official kit I managed to make the party, sticking out like a sore thumb wearing sports kit whilst the rest of my buddies looked awesome in Choo heels and Tibi knits.

Clearly the Stylist in me  went to work and I’m sure I managed to persuade at least half of the attendees that the USA officials kit was in fact hot off next Season’s runway and this time next year they will all be sporting my look… hmmmm…

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