Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

happy new year

Happy New Year! Here’s wishing you a wonderful 2016 from the Lobler & Delaney team. May the year ahead be filled with super stylish moments, health and happiness. Thank you for following our little blog this past year, we hope you’ll continue to accompany us on our capers in the year ahead as we steer you around the slippery sidewalks of the fashion world.

happy new year

We’ve already celebrated the big night over here in Sydney – if you’d like to check out our travels thus far take a peek here.

happy new year

We’ll be back to sort your fashion mojo out in the next few weeks with lots of exciting collaborations planned with brands we love – think The White Company, Astley Clarke jewellery, The Perfume Society and more…

Meanwhile, if you’d like to get a head start on your style journey for 2016, have a go at our 5-minute Style Tribes quiz to find out how to streamline your shopping skills next season.

P.S. We’ve been nominated for the UK Blog Awards – would love your vote if you have a spare mo…

uk blog awards

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