Royal Ascot – a day at the races

Royal Ascot… racing fun in the rain

royal ascotFrankie Detorri hops on his horse Undrafted which later came in as winner of the Diamond Jubilee Stakes

We hadn’t been to Royal Ascot for a couple of years, so it was high time to don the glad rags and head to the Royal Enclosure for a little racing fun over the weekend. Of course whenever we go it rains, so after a few glorious days of sunshine, you’ve guessed it, our day rolls around and the rain ships in. No need to panic though, nabbing an umbrella on the way out and safe in the knowledge that we were covered in case of a downpour with our hats, we hopped into our cab and headed to Ascot.

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Royal Ascot must have some of the best people watching fun around, what with the old guard turning out in their gorgeous classic uniforms and young (or not so young) fillies preening for the press, the walk into the Royal Enclosure is definitely entertaining.

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royal ascotAnd there’s always time for a selfie…

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We were booked for an early lunch sitting, so zoomed into our spot before the heavens opened and set about laying down a good healthy base layer of nutritious eats before the racing began…

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The Queen arrives promptly, sadly we just missed her swinging by in the royal procession…

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But then it was time to study the form…

Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot

Royal Ascot

Before heading out to the Grandstand to watch the first races of the day…

Royal Ascot

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Then it was time to regroup for tea to discuss the runners and riders and get a little more people watching in before heading home.

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My wide brim hat was by Stephen Jones Millinery…(read all about my hat hunt in this post here) though it took a little getting used to when trying to circumnavigate doorways…next time I’m going for one of these cute sculptural ones like my lovely friend Emma was sporting.

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All in all a fun day out, as long as you don’t throw the family savings in the pot for the betting… I don’t think we won a thing!



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