Side Striped Trousers to Love

Side Striped Trousers.


Side-striped trousers are having a bit of a moment right now, so if you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, this might be the time to pounce. This little micro-trend broke out last season on the back of the Athleisure look. All those gals wearing slouchy tracksuit bottoms by day started sporting them with a neat little stripe down the side. I remember being enamoured with a cute pair Alex from Wear and Where had on which she’d snapped up from Zara last Spring, but I was too slow off the mark back then, and there were no side striped trousers to be had by the time I got my act together.


My mission to snaffle the perfect pair of side striped trousers wasn’t for want of trying though. By the time high summer came, and I was putting together the recent Reigate Shopping Guide with the fab Fran from The Fashion Lift (also sporting a cute pair) my hunt had started to crank up into more of an obsession. I’d meticulously mooched through Me + Em (amazing selection but too long for my petite frame). I’d ploughed through high street faves like Zara, Topshop and Mango (nothing quite suited). I’d even gone high end by speed shopping in Joseph coming home with a pricey pair of Mira Mikati tracky striped pants which are still in the cupboard looking pristine and probably need to be popped onto Vestiaire to be sold to someone who will actually wear them.


So when I spotted these little beauties in the Boden catalogue and noticed that they came in a…wait for it… petite size! I was clicking that order button faster than your teen can Snap their latest gurning face to their 30 closest BFF’s whilst sitting at the dinner table. I used to shop at Boden tons when the kids were smaller – remember the patterned skirts, white tee and denim jacket look anyone from back in the 90’s? Then meticulously avoided it as the floral wrap dress mumsy look was not for me. Fast forward to today, and good old Johnny seems to have got his style mojo back on track and if you take a peek there’s plenty in the catalogue or online to get excited about… and no this is not an ad, I just liked a load of their stuff this season.


So here I’m looking rather pleased with myself as I’ve actually found the side striped trousers of dreams. They fit well; I don’t have to schlepp to the tailors to get them shortened to that perfect ankle length I love (any other petites with me on that one?). I’m also wearing a Boden knit – hey if it ain’t broke and all that… Gucci shoes and Sophie Hulme bag (both from last year).


To snap up your perfect pair of side striped trousers here are some things to consider. If you are petite like me, head to those stores and brands which you know offer a petite range to start your search. Because actually heading to the alteration lady with a pile of clothes every week does get a little tedious. This season’s side-striped trousers can come in many guises – think slouchy tracksuit bottoms, wide leg knit pants and the more tailored type I’m wearing for this post. There’s something out there for everyone and for me snagging a more tailored pair means I can dress them up for work or down for play in five seconds flat.

Side-striped trousers… where to shop.


So where can you get your hands on a pair of side striped trousers? Panic not – I’ve done all the hard work for you and here’s my edit of some great ones out there right now. Click the images to shop. #Affiliate links used.

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