Spring salad recipe…round 2

Spring salad recipe – broccoli and bean salad

spring salad recipe

The sun is shining, a bank holiday weekend is upon us and we are all thinking of alfresco dining and bbq’s. So what to serve with the Mod Fam Food Herbed Steak, or Lemon and ginger chicken? Deliciously simple salads!! Last week we brought you a spring salad recipe or two – take a peek here for a refresh. Then try this weeks recipe for broccoli and bean salad, and Roasted butternut squash with almonds, and combine with kale and potato rosti, or herbed quinoa for a perfect alfresco menu.

The individual mango and passion fruit brulee or lemon posset would complete the supper perfectly!

Broccoli and bean Salad.
spring salad recipe

You will need….

300g long stemmed broccoli

150g slim French beans

150g Sugar snap peas

1 tbs ground nut oil

1 handful chopped coriander

3 tsp toasted sesame seeds



1tsp Tahini paste

30ml olive oil

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 tbsp cider vinegar

1 tsp Soy sauce

1 tsp honey

Salt and pepper.

Serves 4 to 6

 spring salad recipe

Here’s what to do…

  1. Whisk all the ingredients together for the dressing. The dressing should be pourable. Add a little water if required.
  2. Steam the vegetables separately for about 3 to 4 minutes until just tender. Immediately place them in a bowl of iced cold water. Drain when cool, and then dry.
  3. Mix the vegetables together in a serving dish with the ground nut oil, scatter with chopped coriander and sesame seeds. Dressing can be poured over or served on the side.

spring salad recipe

spring salad recipe

spring salad recipe

spring salad recipe



The dressing and steaming can be done ahead of time. Simply assemble the salad just before serving.

Steam the vegetables for slightly less time at 3minutes if preparing ahead.

Try mixing up the vegetables, adding mange tout and baby sweeetcorn into the mix.


Roasted butternut squash and almond salad.

spring salad recipe

 An impressive looking salad that’s so easy to prepare.

You will need…

1 butternut squash (approx 1.2 kg)

2 tsp ground cinnamon

100ml Olive oil

1 garlic clove, crushed

2 handful chopped coriander

25g toasted flaked almonds

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

180g Greek yoghurt

2 tsp sweet chilli sauce

Salt and pepper

Serves 4 to 6

spring salad recipe

Here’s what to do…

  1. Cut the squash into 2cm thick wedges about 6cm long, discarding any seeds. Mix in a bowl with the cinnamon, 2 tbsp olive oil and season.
  2. Roast in the oven at 200 C for about 35 minutes until soft and lightly coloured.
  3. Blitz the coriander, garlic and remaining olive oil in a food processor to form a fine paste.
  4. Just before serving, add the sweet chilli paste into the yogurt, do not completely combine, just swirl the sauce through.
  5. Place the squash onto a serving dish, drizzle over the yoghurt mixture and herb paste. Scatter with the toasted almonds and pumpkin seeds, any remaining coriander and serve.

spring salad recipe

spring salad recipe

spring salad recipe


Prepare ahead to stage 3 to save time.

The skin can be left on as in recipe or removed if desired.

Buy ready prepared squash to save even more time!


So that’s it for another Bank Holiday weekend. Here’s hoping the sun shines for you and yours.

amanda delaney





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