How to shop more mindfully this Christmas

How to shop more mindfully.


I was dog walking with my friend Mary the other day and recounting the big Himalayas adventure to her when she asked me if I thought the whole experience had changed my global view on life (she’s dead smart is Mary). Quick as a flash, I replied that it’s definitely made me ‘want’ less and curb my materialistic ways somewhat. So it got me to thinking about Christmas and the crazy waste which occurs each year, mindlessly buying for all and sundry, gifts which they may not even want. Also the frazzled state we get ourselves into and how we seem to have lost the ability to enjoy the moment. Since then I’ve been trying to figure out how to shop more mindfully this Christmas.


It was not lost on me that while I was doing all my hiking training this Autumn, the amazing Stacey Dooley documentary was aired on fast fashion and its dire effects on the planet. It coincided perfectly with me spending more long periods in the great outdoors and also off the grid.


Now I know this all sounds a tad hypocritical, as you guys often open a blog post from me which is warbling on about buying more, or where to best get your new season style sorted… but that’s my job, I’m a stylist, I shop (and I’m pretty good at it actually). Some things I’m not able to change, but a few things I can – so here are my top 4 tips for shopping more mindfully this Christmas.


First up, agree with your nearest and dearest to introduce gifting spending caps – in our fam, it’s £50 a head, and that’s that. If you can’t find something lovely for your granny for £50 you’re not looking in the right place… alternatively, give me a holler, and I’ll point you in the right direction.


Secondly, look to small businesses in your community who are creating their own products or at least supplying items from local makers. I love & Hobbs in Shere who are all over the eco-friendly/local suppliers lark and have created a lovely bustling community of customers and makers alike.


Next up consider gifting the pressie money to a local charity or good cause. Tricky if you have little kids I know as they are dreaming of the whole Santa scenario, but if you’ve got grown kids, it’s a nice way to kick the materialism into touch and concentrate on the day being what it should be – taking time to be with the people around you in the here and now.


Then don’t forget in this whole mindfulness experiment to take some time for yourself. Slow down on the multitasking hamster wheel and breathe. Use the festive break to practice a few conscious moments of calm. Get outside, run a hot bath, treat yourself to a festive cocktail or two, or curl up on your favourite armchair and start that book you’ve been meaning to read.


Mindfulness is all about giving your attention to the here and now, and dealing carefully with yourself and your environment. So here’s wishing you a happy and healthy Holiday season… I’m off to the sofa to get the trilogy started…

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