Notes From a Stylist … January best bits

Notes From a Stylist …. January japes & jaunts

We’ve made it to February at long last, after what seemed to be a super-elongated month of January. But with this new month freezing temps mean I’m hunkering down in my under-floor heated kitchen and hiding from the frostbite. Here at Notes From a Stylist we did manage to pack a load into the first month of 2015, so whilst I’m warming up some hot broth for lunch and seriously defying my inner voice which is calling on me to hibernate, I thought I’d pop a quick ‘best bits’ post up to recap on the fun.

louise selby

When it comes to jaunts in January, we hot footed it up to Kew to take a behind the scenes peek at amazing wedding dress designer Louise Selby’s studio. What with news of all those engagements occurring over the festive period, Louise would definitely be my first port of call for a glam bespoke dress.

notes from a stylist

We took time out for some tea at The Berkeley...

notes from a stylist

And also escaped the frost for a few days of girly fun on the magical Caribbean island of St Barts… there were way more pictures than I posted… but what goes on tour stays on tour (I can hear sighs of relief wafting over the ocean from my gal pals in New York)

notes from a stylist

We took a shine to Shinola – top US brand making waves in the accessories market over here right now.


We also swooned at the new online shoe department from Liberty London – even though heading to that store is a shopping treat at the best of times, it’s also fun to sit at home and shop their awesome shoe collection from the comfort of my own sofa.

liberty of london

We road tested a few trends – from digitally distressed denim and furry layers, to cross body bags and spring suede.

notes from a stylist

notes from a stylist

Whilst in the Mod Fam Food kitchen, Amanda showed us how to knock up some simple Valentine treats, easy prep puds and some delicious winter supper ideas.

notes from a stylist

In the month ahead we are set for more fun with New York and London fashion weeks, as well as bringing you news on trends and stylish spots to visit. So follow along via the blog or pop on over to Twitter or Instagram @notesbyastylist for up to the minute stuff, as well as Pinterest for our musings and cravings.

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